i didn´t know mushrooms are - besides other things - symbols of endless growth and permanent renewal (c) 2024
* album by pearl jam/ soundtrack of the documentary PJ20 (2011)
twenty* :: the residents of vienna´s 7th
During the phase when it came to my mind that I had spent 2 decades in Vienna’s 7th ( I never lived longer than that at any place before AND I never thought I could live longer than 3 years or so at ANY place ) and had already spent months of sweating and not being able to talk to anyone about it, of being even afraid to just think about it, I met the ( former, just resigned after 18 years ) head of that district ( the one who wanted to abolish all traffic signs and who’d search for his bicycle - after regular party nights - via Facebook ) on the street. I felt I could talk to him, maybe he would understand. I told him, that - yes, incredible, yes, unbelievably long time - I had moved here 2 decades ago, so that - yes, incredible, yes, frightening indeed - i had been living here for 20 years now. It took me a lot of courage to finally talk about that too huge subject, how could one stay at one place for that long ? But I recalled that he was already here, when i moved in, as he was the head of this district. So I kind of felt safe he wouldn´t say oh-my-god or so, increasing my misery, but maybe would understand my „problem“.
He looked at me and said: well, what can I say - I ́ve been living here since 1957.
I went home and thought: ok, 1957 is definitely a while ago. That was still 20th century, that was before I was even born ! Wow.
I was glad I had only moved here in 21st century. So what´s 20 years ? Let´s say it´s something. 20 years is about you (see also: choices/ what the greeks say).